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Detention House 2 Torrent: Where to Get the Subtitles and Soundtrack

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Five days after arriving, Fernando was transported from a lock-up at the airport to the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau, a tower block overlooking the docks and a waste-incineration plant. A one-stop shop for visa renewals, asylum interviews and deportation orders, the complex also serves as a detention center for up to 800 people.

Inmates voice a similar grievance. In two handwritten letters, the hunger strikers at the detention center in Osaka complained about limited access to doctors and said guards without medical training were making judgment calls about the health of detainees.

detention house 2 torrent

In May, a former member of the watchdog wrote to then-Justice Minister Yoko Kamikawa calling for full-time doctors at detention facilities, better monitoring of detainees who are unwell and improved psychiatric care.

That same day, Fernando was cremated about three miles from the detention center where he died. His family had hoped for a Catholic burial in Chilaw, but could not afford to fly his body home. His third son, Jude, who traveled to Japan for the funeral, is also now seeking asylum.

The nearly nine months since Iran's presidential electionsparked widespread popular demonstrations against alleged vote-rigging havebeen among the most tumultuous in the history of the Islamic Republic, whichmarks the 31st anniversary of the revolution that paved the way for itsestablishment on February 11, 2010. This has been a period of repeated serioushuman rights abuses that include extra-judicial killings, violations of therights to freedom of assembly and expression, and the prohibition of torture,not to mention arbitrary arrest and detention and countless due processviolations.

In the two months immediately following the June 12election, the government carried out a major campaign of repression thatincluded mass detentions of protestors, political reform figures, and rightsactivists, culminating in public trials in August. November and December sawrenewed attacks on protestors as large demonstrations commemorated significantdates in the history of the Islamic revolution and the Shia Muslim religiouscalendar.

In addition to massive detentions of ordinary protestors andpeaceful activists, as early as the day after the election, authorities roundedup scores of well-known writers and political figures affiliated with the reformmovement. (The reform movement is a term dating to the 1997 election ofPresident Mohammad Khatami, who planned to bring about greater social andpolitical freedoms. Since that time, the term is often broadly applied toinclude political figures and activists who advocate for change within theframework of the current governmental system.)

The worst abuses against ordinary protestors have takenplace at police stations and detention centers, most notoriously at theKahrizak detention center outside of Tehran. At least three detainees have dieddue to injuries sustained in Kahrizak. In August, authorities dismissed thedirector of Kahrizak and said that three guards would be prosecuted forprisoner abuse. In January 2010, a parliamentary panel investigated the deathsand allegations of torture and named former Tehran Prosecutor-General SaeedMortazavi as the person responsible. Although the panel dismissed allegationsof sexual abuse, it found that widespread violations had taken place in thedetention center. However, neither Mortazavi nor anyone else implicated in theabuse has yet been prosecuted.

In June and July, Human Rights Watch spoke with 22protestors from Tehran who reported the circumstances of their arrests anddetention. Many said they were beaten once they were taken to detention centersor police stations. Authorities refused to provide information on the number ofarrests made, the condition of detainees, or where protesters were kept. Somewere released in the middle of the night, far from where they were detained.

Some of the worst violations documented by Human RightsWatch occurred at Kahrizak Prison, a detention center outside of Tehran. Atleast three detainees died due to injuries sustained in Kahrizak.[11]The severity of abuses reported at Kahrizak prompted Supreme Leader AliKhamenei to order the center's closing on July 27.[12]The government also carried out two separate inquiries involving the center,one of which found Tehran's former prosecutor general, Saeed Mortazavi,directly responsible for the ill treatment of detainees there.[13]

In addition to detaining ordinary protestors and well-knownpolitical reform figures, the government targeted prominent human rightsactivists. On June 16, security officers claiming to be clients entered the lawoffices of Abdolfatah Soltani, confiscated his computer and documents, andarrested him.[17]Soltani, along with Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi and others, co-founded theTehran-based Center for Defense of Human Rights, which defends victims of humanrights abuses.[18] At the time of his arrest, Soltani was serving as the senior member of thelegal team representing seven Baha'i leaders imprisoned since May 2008.[19]He was released on August 28, after 72 days of confinement. In an interviewwith Human Rights Watch, Soltani listed the human rights violations he enduredin the course of his arrest and detention:

[12]"Reports of Prison Abuse and Deaths Anger Iranians," New York Times, July28, 2009, ,(accessed February 3, 2010). Iran's Judiciary authorities had ordered theKahrizak detention facilities closed two years ago, citing "nonconformanceto standards," but it remained open until the end of July, when AyatollahKhamenei ordered it to be closed.

[13]The first inquiry was carried out by a six member parliamentary panel tasked bythe Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani for investigating the June attacks onuniversity dormitories. The second inquiry was completed by another Larijaniappointed panel, the Special Parliamentary Committee to Investigate the Statusof Post-Election Arrestees. Further information about both can be found at"Iran: Prosecute Mortazavi for Detention Deaths," Human Rights Watch NewsRelease, January 13, 2010, -prosecute-mortazavi-detention-deaths.

[18]"Iran: Harassment of Rights Defenders Escalates," Human Rights Watch NewsRelease, August 2, 2005, -harassment-rights-defenders-escalates.The Center for Defense of Human Rights, based in Tehran, has a record of takingup high profile cases involving serious human rights violations, such as thecase of Iranian-Canadian Zahra Kazemi who died in detention in 2003, the serialmurders of intellectuals in the 1990s, and the imprisonment of the Baha'i leadership.

Correctional officers are responsible for overseeing individuals who have been arrested and are awaiting trial or who have been sentenced to serve time in jail or prison. Bailiffs, also known as marshals or court officers, are law enforcement officers who maintain safety and order in courtrooms. Their duties, which vary by court, include enforcing courtroom rules, assisting judges, guarding juries, delivering court documents, and providing general security for courthouses.

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The government in the series appears to represent the Liberal-National coalition, with various factions and other parties mimicking current ones in Australia. There are several storylines and characters, including Alex's son, her mother, an ex-lover and rival clans in Winton, Queensland, her activist brother in the city, various other players in the Canberra political and office sphere, and a young woman who has escaped youth detention with some footage which could severely damage the government, or in particular the right-wing faction. 2ff7e9595c


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